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Hearing Process

Parents who are not in agreement with the school based committee decision to remove a student from the gifted program will present their concerns, orally or in writing to the principal of the school.  The principal and parent will attempt to resolve the matter informally.

If the parents are not satisfied with the action taken by the principal, the parents shall, within five (5) school days after the meeting with the principal, put their concerns in writing and present them to the Houston School District contact person.  The gifted contact person will schedule a meeting of the principal, the gifted teacher, counselor, and the gifted contact person within five (5) school days or a timeframe agreed upon by the parents. The parents will be extended an invitation to attend the meeting. The team assembled will render a written decision based on information shared during the meeting.  The decision of the hearing committee is final. If the student is removed from the program written documentation will be given to the gifted teacher within three (3) school days. The teacher will provide the counselor with a copy of the written documentation within three (3) school days of receipt. The student shall be removed from the gifted program within five(5) school days of the decision or as indicated on the documentation form.

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